The Two entrepreneurs have unique histories and education but they share the same love, vision and passion for the tobacco culture, We shared the same dream to create beloved cigars and this can be proved in each of our cigars. Today, Aquilius Industries Cigars continues to grow and work on its future editions and manufacturing private blends to other brands
WHO handmade Cigars represents more then an opportunity of a cigar, its offers a unique opportunity to develope comarderie within a special group of like-minded cigar lovers who fail to accept average.
They strike all the right notes when it comes to taste and aroma and countless cigar lovers consider them among their favourites
To experience these cigars is to part of something nice, to belong to something special. WHO cigars share the same passion, value, and ethics as Cuban cigars
what makes these custom rolled cigars special is that they are of great quality, and are available for customisation as per your needs.
Our vision arose from the dream of creating premium cigars using only the best tobacco leaves sourced globally using our stringent qualification process. We are also committed to developing and promoting a range of next-generation Cigars. Our business to deliver growth today, while ensuring we generate the funds to invest in our future.
We committed to satisfying the refined palettes of the most demanding cigar enthusiasts. We ensure Each step of our cigar production process from sourcing tobacco, rolling, aging and presenting our final product is made with zealous efforts to achieve the exquisite aromas that have characterized us in each cigar.
We have a team of artisans well experienced, who put all their talent and dedication into each cigar. We are committed to satisfying the refined palettes of the most demanding cigar enthusiasts. We ensure this commitment to quality from our producers from each step of our cigar production process from sourcing tobacco, rolling, aging and presenting our final product is made with zealous efforts to achieve the exquisite aromas that have characterized us in each cigar.
Ring Gauge | : 58 |
Ring Diameter | : 58 mm |
Length | : 1O5 mm |
Cigar Shape | : Parejo |
Taste | : Cuban taste |
Strength | : 8/9 |
Filler | : Long Filler Havana |
Binder | : Havana |
Wrapper | : Maduro Havana |
Taste Level | : Full Taste |
Ring Gauge | : 52 |
Length | : 149 mm |
Cigar Shape | : Parejo |
Taste | : Full Taste |
Strength | : 7/9 |
Time Consumption | : 55 Minutes |
Filler | : Long Filler Havana Tobacco |
Binder | : Havana Tobacco |
Wrapper | : Havana Tobacco |
Whitney Yu Dian Ho
Managing Director
Thiruevarsu Lacheman
Chief Executive Officer
Nurul Asyikin
Director Chief Finance Officer